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Singapore Investment


OLDTOWN (5201) - What makes you think you know better than OldTown Management

OldTown share price hit historical high recently to RM3.11

But Management was busying selling company treasury shares until zero position. So who is right?
What makes public feel that they know better than management? Which next quarter will have a good result?

Picture: It shows management is selling agreesive to reduce their treasury shares, while share price keep moving upward
On last quarter, 4QY16, good result is contributed by foreign gain and less activity on material purchase. Which impossible to repeat all the time. If exclude these two factors earning, then current PE is standing around 30! As shown in below picture.
If you have a position in OldTown. you shall take the chance the readjust your holding position.
OLDTOWN (5201) - What makes you think you know better than OldTown Management
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