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Singapore Investment


May 24, 2018
 续上一篇 "电子代产 系列 第一篇:SALUTE BHD", 今天要Update一下Salute的近況。
 6 月前写Salute的时候,股价位于RM 1.48,今日0.48的股价,还真吓人。记得6个月前,笔者看好FY 18 Q1的表现所以研究了Salute。可是FY18 Q1的业绩并非如笔者想象的好,也只是普普通通。之后呢,股价就如FY18 Q2和Q3的业绩一样,一路向南。而这礼拜公布的FY18 Q3更惊人,竟然引来了上市以来第一次业绩亏损的季度。笔者看了季度报告后真的无语,也Email了管理层问一问了解了解。出乎意料的是管理层隔天下午马 上就回复了笔者,这显示了公司管理层还蛮有责任感的。
1st) Why there is nothing much information like "Cost of good sold", "Gross Profit", Other operating expenses" stated in the quarter report? It does not give investor confidence since we unable to get analyze and understand how well company is doing.
2nd) Referring to the picture below, it explains that LBT happens due to the 4 specific expenses, but there is too less info for investor to digest. It is possible for management to give some rough figure for those 4 expenses?
Diagram 2
3rd) I notice this is the 1st loss making quarter for Salute since it is listed and it happens because of the 4 specific expenses stated in diagram 2. It makes investor to worry are those 4 specific expenses one off expenses or it will continue to be spent for next quarter? Does it mean that those 4 specific expenses weight a lot that they might impact the whole company earning performance?
4th) Why management spend all the 4 specific expenses in the quarter ended 31 March 2018? Does management think about these 4 expenses might cause company to be in loss making quarter? Or all 4 expenses are a MUST to be spent in this quarter to make sure operation can be carried on?
5th) From Diagram 2, it stated " Such spending is required to materialize future product launches starting in the second half of calendar year 2018". How confident management is to make sure those spending are well and worth to be spent? Does it mean investor can expect some improvement and growth in the second half of calendar year 2018?
6th) Does management has confidence to bring company backs to profit making quarter for next quarter?
接下来是公司管理层的回复,erm,为了避免引来麻烦,笔者就不把整个Email Copy和Paste或者拍照放出来。笔者翻译成华语与大家分享。
Salutica 是一家垂直整合的制造商,能够提供全方位的制造服务 - 涵盖产品设计,开发,制造和测试能力。我们的成功取决于我们跟上最新技术的能力。这一点至关重要,因为我们在一个产品和服务易于频繁引入新技术和增强功能 的市场中运营。新产品或增强产品的设计和开发可能是一个耗时且不确定的过程,在这个行业中始终是一个挑战。
笔者在Salute第一篇有写过 “R&D Expenses (Mainly for FOBO)= 5% of Revenue, 蛮高的,可是没有得到Pioneer Status,证明公司的R&D不是很强/不是很有市场/对社会没什么Big Impact”
直接对比之下,其实FY18 Q3 1 million的R&D费用与去年相比并不多,而且反而减少了。或许是FOBO的研发已经完成,因为FOBO已经推出市场,成为Perodua after sales的 accessories part了。
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就以这个季度的状况来看,Bluetooth Headset的销量令人担忧。FOBO销量也不会很好因为FOBO并没有被列入为Perodua 汽车的必需品而只是多加的feature,换一句话也叫做可有可无,担心担心。而本来笔者期待的Neonode科技,好像没有任何消息了。
所 以呢,首先笔者非常喜欢管理层快速的回复,非常有责任感。但是其实笔者还是不了解到底这个季度为什么会去亏损,毕竟R&D费用并不太高。重复读回 笔者的问题和管理层的回复数次,笔者还是觉得有太多未知数,而且笔者看不到管理层的信心。或许,前面的路还很颠簸,当然这些都只是笔者的猜想和感觉。
反思者 上

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