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Singapore Investment


 [HARTALEGA HOLDINGS BHD:NGC工厂的工厂5已经开始12条生产线中的6条生产线继续进行生产,工厂6结构的建设已经开始,2019年下半年将开始建设配套设施]

Q3 FY2019 vs Q3 FY2018:

9M FY2019 vs 9M FY2018:


Q3 FY2019 vs Q2 FY2019:

随着需求供应动态的健康平衡,全球对橡胶手套的需求持续增长。丁腈手套目前占马来西亚橡胶手套出口的63%。为了满足不断增长的需求,NGC工厂的工厂5已经开始12条生产线中的6条生产线继续进行生产。工厂6结构的建设已经开始,2019年下半年将开始建设配套设施。工厂5和工厂6的年装机容量分别为47亿件。新工厂 - 工厂7也在扩建计划中,以满足专注于特殊产品的小订单。工厂7每年的装机容量是26亿件。 NGC对集团销售收入的贡献将进一步增加集团的收益。

自从在英国推出抗菌手套(AMG)以来,Hartalega已收到来自10多个国家的客户的订单。该公司还致力于确保联邦药品管理局(FDA)批准进入美国市场(美国医疗保健专业人员对医疗保健相关感染的危险性有更高的认识)。 FDA的批准将为产品的安全性和有效性提供强有力的第三方证明。由于新的医疗产品正处于引进和教育阶段,他们希望AMG在未来几年能够做出有意义的贡献。预计AMG的销售也将获得动力,因为它具有竞争力的价格,以确保快速的市场接受度。 Hartalega对橡胶手套需求的增长,NGC持续的扩张以及AMG市场份额潜在增长所带来的长期前景保持乐观。
James Ng Stock Pick Performance:
Since Recommended Return:

a) KGB (KELINGTON GROUP BHD), recommended on 23 Dec 18, initial price was RM0.965, rose to RM1.27 in 1 month 22 days, total return is 31.6%

b) GBGAQRS (GABUNGAN AQRS BHD), recommended on 16 Dec 18, initial price was RM0.80, rose to RM1.03 in 1 month 29 days, total return is 28.8%

c) FRONTKN (FRONTKEN CORP BHD), recommended on 12 Aug 18, initial price was RM0.715, rose to RM0.89 (dividend RM0.007) in 6 months 1 day, total return is 25.5%

d) KKB (KKB ENGINEERING BHD), recommended on 1 Jul 18, initial price was RM0.795, rose to RM0.975 in 7 months 14 days, total return is 22.6%

e) BAUTO (BERMAZ AUTO BHD), recommended on 14 Oct 18, initial price was RM1.89, rose to RM2.23 (dividend RM0.0375) in 3 months 30 days, total return is 20%

f) VIZIONE (VIZIONE HOLDINGS BHD), recommended on 30 Dec 18, initial price was RM0.85, rose to RM0.995 in 1 month 16 day, total return is 17.1%

g) ELKDESA (ELK-DESA RESOURCES BHD), recommended on 18 Nov 18, initial price was RM1.27, rose to RM1.33 (dividend RM0.035) in 2 months 27 days, total return is 7.5%

我希望将我的策略分享给读者,希望他们在阅读后能够表现出色。我正在使用基本面分析(Fundamental Analysis):

预计公司每年的增长率必须> 14%


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时间:11a.m. – 7p.m

地点:Hotel Sri Petaling, KL (包括免费3份点心,茶和咖啡)

地点:G Inn Hotel, George Town (Penang)

地点:Tropical Inn, Johor Bahru (包括免费2份点心,茶和咖啡)

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James Ng
[HARTALEGA HOLDINGS BHD: Plant 5 of NGC facility has commissioned 6 out of 12 lines with remaining production lines to come on progressively, construction of Plant 6 structure have started and the supporting facilities to follow in second half of calendar year 2019]

Q3 FY2019 vs Q3 FY2018:
For the 3rd quarter, the Group achieved sales revenue of RM723.4 million, representing an improvement of RM120.3 million or 19.9% from corresponding quarter in preceding year. The higher sales revenue achieved was attributed to stronger demand for nitrile gloves and higher average selling price coupled with growth in sales volume of 9.6%. Profit before tax was higher by RM11.1 million or 8.0%, in tandem with higher sales achieved. The improvement in sales revenue was contributed by growing demand from customers and higher average selling price in tandem with increase in nitrile cost.

9M FY2019 vs 9M FY2018:
The Group achieved sales revenue of RM2.14 billion in the current period, representing an increment of RM355.2 million or 19.9% from RM1.79 billion recorded in corresponding period in preceding year. The growth in sales revenue was contributed by improvement in sales volume of 11.6% in tandem with growing demands for nitrile gloves and continuous expansion in improving production capacity. The increase in sales revenue is also contributed by higher average selling price.

Profit before tax registered an increase of RM46.4 million or 11.8%, with improvement from RM391.8 million to RM438.2 million. The increase in profit before tax was driven by higher sales volume attributed to favourable demand from customers and additional production capacity.

Q3 FY2019 vs Q2 FY2019:
Revenue for the quarter rose to RM723.4 million from RM714.2 million, improved by RM9.2 million or 1.3%. The increase in sales revenue was contributed by increase in sales volume. Profit before tax for the quarter increased by RM7.6 million or 5.4% mainly due to higher sales revenue achieved and a small net foreign exchange gain as compared with preceding quarter.

The global demand for rubber gloves continues to grow with demand supply dynamics in healthy balance. Nitrile glove now accounts for 63% of Malaysian rubber glove export. In meeting the rising demand, Plant 5 of NGC facility has commissioned 6 out of 12 lines with remaining production lines to come on progressively. Construction of Plant 6 structure have started and the supporting facilities to follow in second half of calendar year 2019. Plant 5 and Plant 6 will each have annual installed capacity of 4.7 billion pieces. A new plant – Plant 7 is also in the expansion pipeline catering to small orders focusing more on specialty products. Plant 7 will have an annual installed capacity of 2.6 billion pieces. The increasing contribution of NGC to Group sales revenue will contribute further to Group earnings.

Since the launch of antimicrobial gloves (AMG) in UK, Hartalega has received orders from customers in over 10 countries. The company is also working on securing Federal Drug Administration (FDA) approval for US market where there is greater awareness among US healthcare professionals on the dangers of healthcare-associated infections. The FDA approval will provide a strong third party testament to the safety and effectiveness of the product. As the new medical product is in its introduction and education phase, they expect AMG to contribute meaningfully in the coming years. Sales of the AMG is also expected to gain momentum as it will be priced competitively to ensure quick market acceptance. Hartalega remains optimistic of the longer term prospects moving forward underpinned by growing demand for rubber gloves, ongoing NGC expansion and potential growth of AMG market share.
James Ng Stock Pick Performance:
Since Recommended Return:

a) KGB (KELINGTON GROUP BHD), recommended on 23 Dec 18, initial price was RM0.965, rose to RM1.27 in 1 month 22 days, total return is 31.6%

b) GBGAQRS (GABUNGAN AQRS BHD), recommended on 16 Dec 18, initial price was RM0.80, rose to RM1.03 in 1 month 29 days, total return is 28.8%

c) FRONTKN (FRONTKEN CORP BHD), recommended on 12 Aug 18, initial price was RM0.715, rose to RM0.89 (dividend RM0.007) in 6 months 1 day, total return is 25.5%

d) KKB (KKB ENGINEERING BHD), recommended on 1 Jul 18, initial price was RM0.795, rose to RM0.975 in 7 months 14 days, total return is 22.6%

e) BAUTO (BERMAZ AUTO BHD), recommended on 14 Oct 18, initial price was RM1.89, rose to RM2.23 (dividend RM0.0375) in 3 months 30 days, total return is 20%

f) VIZIONE (VIZIONE HOLDINGS BHD), recommended on 30 Dec 18, initial price was RM0.85, rose to RM0.995 in 1 month 16 day, total return is 17.1%

g) ELKDESA (ELK-DESA RESOURCES BHD), recommended on 18 Nov 18, initial price was RM1.27, rose to RM1.33 (dividend RM0.035) in 2 months 27 days, total return is 7.5%

I wish to share my strategy to readers, hope that they can perform well after reading this. I am using Fundamental Analysis:

the forecasted growth of a company must > 14% per year

I wish to convince readers to learn FA in order to make money from stock market.

I am providing STOCK PICK SERVICE for readers who want to make money from Malaysian stock market. Those who want to subscribe to my mailing list to achieve a good return from stock market, you can contact me at jamesngshare@gmail.com or PM me in my FB page https://web.facebook.com/jamesshareinvest/

In order to facilitate the query of the company and stock picking articles and videos I have written, an index has been produced. Everyone can find company and stock picking articles and videos from https://web.facebook.com/jamesshareinvest/posts/2197412517192157 by date.

James的股票投资James Share Investing Blog: https://klse.i3investor.com/blogs/general/

James的股票投资James Share Investing Blog Index: https://klse.i3investor.com/blogs/general/blidx.jsp

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/jamesinvesting

If you want to join my WhatsApp group (there will be no James Ng's stock pick inside), please PM or email me your handphone number.

Please Like and Share this post. Final decision is always yours, thank you.

James Ng

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