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Singapore Investment


Dear all,

The truth about Hong Kong: Martin Jacques

The inconvenient truth: Hong Kong government is basically a colonial administration without any leadership direction. It is run by Hong Kong tycoon to serve only their interest (Similar to British colonial system). The economy is monopoly by elite business tycoon and the tycoon only care to divide up the spoils between themselves at the expense of ordinary Hong Kong citizen. The Hong Kong working class had been oppressed and abused by the monopolistic business tycoon and had to work hard and long hour for their whole life just to own a roof over their head.


The summer of protest against the Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation (Amendment) Bill proposed by the Hong Kong government to extradite criminals or corruptors back to China to face trial is turned into a misguided believe by western media and people of vested interest that the bill is intend to blur the demarcation between the legal systems (also known as "one country, two systems") in Hong Kong and mainland China, subjecting Hong Kong residents and those passing through the city to de facto jurisdiction of courts controlled by the Communist Party of China.

The mass protest is the manifestation of deep frustration and anger of a long suffered and oppressed people against tyrant but in this case the tyrant is not the CPC of mainland China but their own ruling elite business tycoon. What a pity. China should take over the Hong Kong administration, dismantle the monopolistic economy and return the wealth back to the Hong Kong ordinary citizen.


This fight between China ideal and the Western model is being played out on the street of Hong Kong. I hope to see this fight (China vs West) to some conclusion in my life-time.

Government of the people, by the people, for the people vs OF THE 1%, BY THE 1%, FOR THE 1%

The People’s Republic of China is governed by the CPC top elite, elected by the CPC members but for the people of China whereas the western democratic government is slowly turning into Government of the 1% business elite, by the 1% business elite, for the 1% business elite.

Have a happy weekend.

Thank you


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