美股杜指這次2020年第一季快熊:在2020年2月12日開始, 假設:
熊市一期A浪:12/2/20 :29568點跌至23/3/20:18,213點, 大跌11,355點, 歷時一個多月;
然後,熊市二期B浪如反彈跌幅0.382: 11,355X 0.382 =+4,338點 反彈上水平22,551; 2020年3月26日反彈至22,595水平,反彈了4,382點 (反彈了A浪跌幅38.59%);
之後熊市三期杜指C浪尋底,熊市三期C浪估計杜指跌穿2萬點水平, 如今次由高點跌一半才見底, 杜指可能低見: 29,568 X (1-50%)=14,784點。
美國首次申領救濟金人數由370萬倍增至660萬人, 預視今次美國2020年上半年經濟衰退, 投資者想投資美股也宜漸漸分段收集, 不宜一注一次投入。
U.S. Dow Jones Index began bear market from 12 February 2020.
Bear period 1 A wave dropped from 29,568 in 12 February 2020 to 18,213 in 23 March 2020, it felt 11,355 points within one and a half month.
Next, it rebound 0.382 to 22,551 in 26 March 2020, rebound 4,382 points.
Then, the bear period three market C wave started and DOW may reach 14,784.
Since the number of U.S. first time application for unemployment subsidiaries double to 6.6 million applications, it predicts there is an economic recession in the first 2 quarters in year 2020, investors who wish to invest U.S. stocks are recommended to collect stocks gradually, but not buy in one time.