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Singapore Investment


回顾2016年首三周的交易日,先是"欧美中港日新等"的股市大幅度下跌,及过后的小幅度回弹,到上星期五的大幅度上升,实在是考验价值投资者的 信念,其当时所做买卖之决策,及往后的成果。平时工作忙碌,大部分时间都在做股票分析,思考,及买卖,没闲情花时间去写文章。况且,小弟只是小户一个,资 金有限,没能力推高股价,也没必要去大作文章,希望小弟所持有的股票,可以在文章刊登后,卖个好价钱,套利走人。但我认为某些人确实是为此目的而来。小心 为妙啊!高价买入好股,价值股,还可以守。高价追高炒股,烂臭股,后果必是两头不到岸:砍又不是,补又不是!
免责声明:写此文章之目的主要是“自己写,自己爽,及与你分享”,无它。当然,如果看了此文章而有点“爽”或有高见,谢click “like” 一下,或留言。买卖决定之后果,自负。
今天选择HEXZA, 主要它是我心目中2016年最值得期待的十大价值股之一。
深入的解释,google一下,百度百科找到的是:“所谓价值股(value stock)是指相对于它们的现有收益,股价被低估(priced low)的一类股票。这类股票通常具有低市盈率(P/E ratio)与市净率(P/B ratio)、高股息(dividend)的特征。”我所选择的 价值股一般上是一些没有欠债的公司,现金多,持有其它公司股票或金融资产,有地,有厂,有赚钱的生意,有比存放银行高的股息。酱好,那价钱一定不便宜咯! 一般上,是的。你看GTRONIC, SHL, BURSA,PCHEM, HIL, KULIM, CSCSTEL, 等等。所以,重点是:当它的股价被低估时!小弟之前买入GTRONIC时才一块左右,买入SHL时块三钱左右,买入HIL时才四毛左右,买入KULIM时 3.1-3.2,跌着下,补着下,补到2.50左右。我写关于KULIM的文章,按这边Stock Valuation 股票“估”价之SKL on KULIM, HEXZA, and PBA。 大概一块赚一块,卖出GTRONIC和SHL后,自以为是卖到很好的价钱,自己暗爽。过后才发觉自己做了傻子,经验不够,少赚了两三倍及多年来丰厚的股 息。其实,留着一部分不卖也没关系,反正是免费的。所以,这一次不会那么轻易让HEXZA“走鸡”,虽然那天马股大跌,信心有点动摇。我不是怕它跌,我是 怕卖了买不回比我卖的价钱低。这些是,到目前,成功的例子。暂时失败,纸上亏损的有KFIMA, EKSONS, 等等。


重点还是:当它的股价被低估时!我相信,有做功课的投资者应该都有同感。再google一下"HEXZA", 找到以下相关文章:

01/12/2015  Insider Asia’s Stock Of The Day: HEXZA (01/12/2015)
23/11/2015  HEXZA - Post Q1 2016 - Gainvestor 10sai
17/11/2015  HEXZA - Chemical Solution
[转贴] Hexza Q4'15 成绩单 - 糊涂
Hexza gains traction
Hexza - One Hex Higher - Bonescythe Stock Watch | I3investor
HEXZA: My Selected Viewpoints Retraced
[转帖] 价值股精选Hexza - 糊涂- Good Articles to Share | 




随便google一下,就找到八篇发表于2015的文章。09/04/2015那篇是小弟写的。八篇文章里所写的都指向一个共同点:就是HEXZA的股价被低估了。被低估的原因,来来去去就是那几个,copy and paste 之前我写的:


“Yes, good stock! Worth to accumulate, and of course, the lower the better, for the following reasons:

As at 30 June 2014, the latest publicly made available info:
1. Cash and cash equivalents + Other Investment (mainly quoted shares) = RM 130,573,000.00 or 65 cents per share.
2. Total retained profits: RM 109,563,000.00 or 55 cents per share.
3. Net assets per share: RM 1.08
4. Forthcoming dividend: 4 cents per share or 5% dividend yield
*5. No. of shareholders: 16,667 (10-04-2001)... 10,170 (28-09-2009), 8,874 (28-09-2012), 8,578 (01-10-21013), *check for 2014* Note: up or down? What does it means and why?

Perhaps, some traders made money, but serious investors see value. Good luck!”

顺便更新一下最新的股东人数:As at 30/09/2015, 8,162. 这我们不需要高深的统计学去分析股东人数的分布。一看数据就知道是散户卖票走人,大户慢慢地在收票。大户是谁?为什么一直买进?原因应该还是:它被低估了!


回到我的主题: HEXZA : 2016年最值得期待的十大价值股之一


1. EPS 会比去年高,相当肯定!
2. DPS会比去年高,主席讲的。
The Board of Directors is pleased to recommend a first and final single-tier dividend of 4.5 sen per share or 9.0% in respect of the financial year ended 30th June, 2015 which is subject to the approval of the shareholders at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting. The proposed dividend represents an increase of 12.5% over the dividend paid in respect of the previous year. The dividend in respect of the previous financial year of 4.0 sen per share or 8.0% was paid on 10th December, 2014.
The recommended dividend payout represents a distribution of approximately 80% of the net profit attributable to the shareholders of the Company. The payout ratio is about the same as the previous financial year, which was also about 80%. The dividend payment as a percentage of Group profits attributable to shareholders is 64.3% for the reporting financial year compared to 99.2% in the previous year. It is the aim of the Directors to maintain a policy of stable dividend payout to the shareholders.
3. 如果1和2都相当肯定,股价再冲新高,那应该都是我们这些默默守候的价值型小股东所期待的吧。但愿如此!
Just for sharing.
By Bugle

HEXZA (3298) - HEXZA : 2016年最值得期待的十大价值股之一
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