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       当互联网概念在中国资本市场上方兴未艾之时,互联网巨头谷歌公司的执行董事长埃里克·施密特在前段时间举行的座谈会上大胆预言:互联网即将消失,一个高 度个性化、互动化的有趣世界——物联网即将诞生。施密特的此番言论可谓自我颠覆。他说:“我可以非常直接地说,互联网将消失。”
  他表示,这种变化对科技公司而言是前所未有的机会,“世界将变得非常个性化、非常互动化和非常非常有趣”。这位谷歌掌门人认为:“所有赌注此刻都与智 能手机应用基础架构有关,似乎将出现全新的竞争者为智能手机提供应用,智能手机已经成为超级电脑。我认为这是一个完全开放的市场。”
  美国市场研究公司Gartner预测:到2020年,物联网将带来每年300亿美元的市场利润,届时将会出现25亿个设备连接到物联网上,并将继续快 速增长。由此带来的巨大市场潜力已经成为美国科技公司新的增长引擎,包括思科、AT&T、Axeda、亚马逊、苹果、通用电气、谷歌与IBM等在 内的美国公司争相抢占在物联网产业的主导地位。
  “物联网不是趋势,它是现实。”三星电子总裁兼首席执行官尹富根(YoonBoo-keun)在CES的演讲上,把物联网作为了三星重点业务方向。尹 富根同时透露了三星技术支持物联网的时间表:到2017年,所有三星电视将成为物联网设备;五年内所有三星硬件设备均将支持物联网。
  无独有偶,芯片巨头高通也在CES上披露了自己的物联网计划。高通总裁德雷克?阿伯勒(DerekAberle)在CES上表示,高通向全球超过30 个国家推出了15款物联网设备,涉及数字眼镜、儿童跟踪器、智能手表等多个产品。未来,高通将以智能手机为支点,拓展车联网、医疗、可穿戴设备等领域。
  全球范围内的其他合作也正在展开。英特尔已携手美国圣何塞市,利用公司强项,进一步推动该市的“绿色视野(GreenVision)”计划。英特尔公 司全球物联网业务开发销售总监GreggBerkeley表示,英特尔目前正与二三十个全球合作伙伴,讨论如何利用英特尔的物联网技术建设智能城市,有些 合作在亚洲,有些遍及欧洲。
  在过去一年,云计算和大数据继续发酵,物联网也成为未来大趋势之一。很多网友对于物联网和互联网之间有何关系存在疑惑,让我们一起来看看。什么是互联 网?即 Internet,又称网际网路,因特网等,是网络和网络之间串联而成的庞大网络。而物联网是的英文缩写是The Internet of things,也即物物相连的网络。
  物联网的定义是通过射频识别(RFID)、红外感应器、全球定位系统、激光扫描器等信息传感设备,按约定的协议,把任何物品与互联网相连接,进行信息 交换和通信,以实现对物品的智能化识别、定位、跟踪、监控和管理的一种网络。简单地说,物联网是一种建立在互联网上的泛在网络。物联网技术的重要基础和核 心仍旧是互联网,通过各种有线和无线网络与互联网融合,将物体的信息实时准确地传递出去。
  但从分工上理解,互联网还只是物联网中的一部分,主要是IT服务方面。物联网因为其“连接一切”的特点(“连接一切”是马化腾在2013的WE大会上 提出来的未来第一路标),它具有很多互联网所没有的新特性。比如,互联网已经连接了所有的人和信息内容,提供标准化服务,而物联网则要考虑各种各样的硬件 融合,多种场景的应用,人们的习惯差异等问题。相对于互联网,物联网需要更有深度的内容和服务,以及更加差异化的应用,也将更加的人性化,这也符合们不停 地追求更好的服务体验,这是个亘古不变的刚需。
  是综合了计算机软硬件、传感器技术、集成电路技术、电子应用技术为一体的复杂技术。经过几十年的演变,以嵌入式系统为特征的智能终端产品随处可见;小 到人们身边的MP3,大到航天航空的卫星系统。嵌入式系统正在改变着人们的生活,推动着工业生产以及国防工业的发展。如果把物联网用人体做一个简单比喻, 传感器相当于人的眼睛、鼻子、皮肤等感官,网络就是神经系统用来传递信息,嵌入式系统则是人的大脑,在接收到信息后要进行分类处理。这个例子很形象的描述 了传感器、嵌入式系统在物联网中的位置与作用。
  根据TechNode评选,2015年国内最值得期待的Top 10物联网创新公司,是最被看好的10家正在“连接一切”新硬件创业公司。
  小米正试图在硬件行业中复制其在智能手机市场的商业模式,毕竟它在智能手机市场还是非常成功的。凭借物美价廉的智能手环在智能穿戴市场取得初步成功 后,小米推出了100家硬件公司战略,企图通过这个战略来使小米能连接到更多的智能小工具的领域,譬如医疗保健(iHealth),智能家居 (Ants,Yeelink)等等(前面括号中的是在智能硬件相应区域的产品供应商中的佼佼者)。该公司还宣布与中国家电巨头美达成战略合作伙伴关系。
  2. Broadlink
  Broadlink是智能家居解决方案的供应商,他们的产品主要面向物联网的无线网络连接。除了现有的智能插座和红外设备的远程控 制,Broadlink也在发展丰富自身的产品,而这有助于传统家电制造商研发更智能的产品。 现在Broadlink的Wi-Fi解决方案已经被集成到小米的智能路由器。
  3. Gizwits
  Gizwits是中国物联网技术平台,它所做的工作是把家用电器和电子产品连接到互联网或智能手机上。 GizWits提供给物联网开发者一些数据分析和相关开发工具,譬如远程接入,通知,和OTA固件升级。该公司已经为智能家居设备推出了自助式软件开发平 台Gizwits2.0和一个可编程微控制器板GoKit。
  4. Ayla
  Ayla中国网络公司是美国Ayla在中国的分公司,它为中国开关制造商提供云连接解决方案和HVAC等智能设备。今年得到的1450万美元的投资 后,该公司进入中国市场采取了一系列动作:推出中国网站,与新浪合作来推广公司,加入了中国导演协会。该公司的CEO和联合创始人,戴夫?弗里德曼,认为 中国将在这一领域引领世界潮流。
  5. Lifesmart
  6. Yeelink
  7. Landing
  8. Orvibo
  9. MXchip
各位有头绪了吗?那就是KEYASIC 佳易科技】。

下图显示BursaMarketPlace 2016年2月21日的Alpfa Factor 给予的评级供参考:

2産品助改善表現 佳易科技冀可轉盈

http://finance.sina.com   2015年06月19日 07:39   光華日報
  與此同時,K-Drive則是一種容量32GB的USB WiFi驅盤,容許用戶從流動電話和電腦等設備透過WiFi網絡備份數據。
以下新闻来自 The Star 
Saturday, 5 September 2015

Fortunes of Key ASIC hinge on two chips

Changes appear to be taking place in semiconductor design company, Key ASIC Bhd.
For this company, which has been floundering in losses over the last four financial years, next year may appear to be its turnaround year based on two main developments.
Firstly, the losses over the last four years were incurred in the investment and research & development for two of its main categories of products, the chips SPG101 and SPG102 and the system products - Kcard and Kdrive.
The investment phase for these chips is now over, and it is in the midst of shipping orders.
Over the last two years, more than one million pieces of SPG101 were shipped to the likes of Toshiba and Lenova. The narrowing of Key ASIC’s losses for the first half ended June 30, 2015 is evident of its improving financials.
For the six months to June 30, 2015, net losses narrowed to RM8.07mil from RM9.37mil previously. Revenue was up 30.85% to RM9.25mil. The company has no borrowings and cash of some RM3mil as of the period.
Losses incurred in financial year 2014 (FY14), FY13, FY12 and FY11 were RM34.25mil. RM7.55mil, RM19.07mil and RM38.85mil respectively.
Secondly and more importantly, the SPG102, K ard and K Drive will start shipping by end 2015.
Effectively, the company is adding three more products into the revenue stream commencing 2016.
“It took us four years to build these chips and it has been worth the effort. Our K-Card for instance is the fastest SD Wifi Card in the world.
The biggest acknowledgement is that these chips are now being used by Toshiba in their transfer jet card, and Lenova in their SD Wifi card, under their own brand.
In fact, they launched these products last month. The initial pilot production has been shipped to these customers and we are looking forward to more shipments subsequently,” said a clearly pleased Eg Kah Yee, the non executive chairman and CEO of Key ASIC.
The retail price of the SD WiFi Card and USB WiFi Drive is in the range of US$35 to US$50 depending on the configuration.
This will help to increase its revenue and profit when these products go into consistent volume shipment.
Key ASIC last traded at 8 sen yesterday.
Big Shareholders
An interesting facet of the company is its list of shareholders. The second largest shareholder of the company is Khazanah Nasional Bhd, which owns a 20.7% stake in the company. This is followed by Commerce Technology Ventures Sdn Bhd which holds a 6.84% stake. The biggest shareholder of the company is Key Asic Limited (KAL) which holds a 40.61% stake.
Another noticeable character of the company is Taiwanese Benny Hu, who was formerly the Chairman of China Development Investment Bank (this is equivalent to Khazanah except it is publicly listed). Hu is the independent director of Key ASIC.
Hu is believed to have led the investing team behind KAL.
Hu’s interest in semiconductor design and technology is notable from his various investments in technology companies, including some of the top global semiconductor foundries such as United Microelectronics Corp (UMC) and Worldwide Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp (WSMC). (WSMC was bought over by Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co in 2000).
To date, Hu has the experience of investing in over 60 fabless design companies worldwide.
He is currently founder and chairman of Whitesun Partner Ltd investment fund where he continues to invest in technology and life science businesses. He is also vice chairman of Taipei 101 and the director of Taiwan High Speed Rail among many other positions.
Now what would attract these big names into Key Asic - a little loss-making company with no dividends and a market cap of only RM68.2mil. Its shares are still trading below its 10 sen par value, at its last traded price of 8 sen. This is one of its all-time lowest price, as the stock has been on a virtual downtrend since scaling its high of 82.5 sen back in 2009.
When asked how Key ASIC attracted such big shareholders, Eg is not keen to divulge details, although he hints that the potential of the K-Card and K-Drive are reasons for their interest.
“I can’t speak for others, but I would say that our SPG products, K-Card and K-Drive are quite revolutionary. Who says Malaysian products cannot be world class? Because of these two chips, Key Asic has been awarded over 16 patents for these technologies that we have developed from the US, Japan, Taiwan and Singapore. These patents are now being filed for China,” explained Eg.
The K Card and K Drive
Eg explained that Key ASIC is the only semiconductor company in Malaysia that has developed a complete System on a Chip (SoC), system product and applications software on its own.
“Our SoC is a 32-bit central processing unit capable of running up to 250MHz with Secure Digital (SD) and USB (Universal Serial Bus) interface, that is connected to WiFi modules. “It is a ultra low powered SoC designed for the Internet Of Things (IOT), which is expected to be the next exploding trend after the personal computer and smart phones,” explains Eg.
Eg says that the applications of IOT devices are broad and deep. It is widely used in wearable devices for fitness and healthcare such as Apple Watch, Fitbit and many others.
It is also used for FDA approved medical devices such as Bluetooth blood pressure monitor, electrocardiography, glucose meters, oxymeters and many others. Data accumulated from these medical devices needs to be stored somewhere in a timely basis, where it can be analysed.
“The reason why medical devices are currently moving towards WiFi connectivity, is to get connected to the Cloud. A person’s medical data for example, is becoming extremely valuable in early detection of certain diseases. This is why Key ASIC has developed the SPG SoC solution for the IOT and cloud market,” says Eg.
In explaining the technology behind the K Card, Eg says that it is the fastest SD WiFi Card in the world today.
It is capable of running at real time programmable multiple clock speeds up to 200MHz.
This capability is unique and important for products because it allows the system to operate at different clock speeds for best power optimisation.
Typically, the SD WiFi card is widely used in the digital camera where users no longer need to remove the SD Card to insert into laptop to download photos or videos taken.
“Users can directly transfer from the digital cameras into the smart phone, laptop or upload directly to Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Dropbox, etc,” says Eg.
It is estimated that about 50 million digital cameras are shipped a year.
As for the K drive, this is used in the USB WiFi Drive.
It has all the similar capabilities of the K card, and is wireless, with WiFi mobile storage for smart phones, tablets or laptop.
Files or even the entire smart phone can be backed up into K drive through WiFi freely through point to point WiFi without going through the Internet.
The K drive has this powerful capability of connecting to the Internet and be used as a private Cloud over the Internet.
Therefore, users can upload their files from smart phones or tablets over the Internet to K drive wherever they are.
“You don’t need to get to a PC to download huge files,” explained Eg.
The company is presently in the midst of implementing its 10% private placement of up to 81.18 million shares.
It would appear that the fortunes of Key Asic hinge on these two chips moving forward. Eg says the company is implementing its private placement of shares to support the expansion of these new products.
以下新闻来自The Edge Markets

Stock With Momentum: Key Asic

KEY Asic (Fundamental: 1.55/3, Valuation: 0/3) was slapped with an unusual market activity (UMA) query yesterday, after its share price rose a whopping 106.3% to 16.5 sen on Monday. 
The usually thinly traded stock climbed another 24.2% to close at an all-time high of 20.5 sen yesterday. A total of 10.0 million shares were traded, 88.3 times its average daily trading volume of 113,267.
The semiconductor design company had not responded to Bursa’s UMA query at the time of writing.
Key Asic, an MSC-status company, provides turnkey application — specific integrated circuit (ASIC) design services, data management, telecommunications, and other engineering services. It was granted an extension of its pioneer status, and will be tax exempt until 13th April 2016. There was no significant development recently, save for its 2Q15 earnings announcement on August 20. 
To recap, the company has been making losses from 2010-2014. For 1H2015, net losses narrowed to RM8.1 million, from RM9.4 million in 1H2014, mainly due to a 30.8% increase in revenue to RM9.2 million from both its recurring and non-recurring services. 
It is planning to turn things around by launching two new products, K-Drive and K-Card by end-September 2015. K-Drive is essentially a portable Wi-Fi personal backup device while K-Card is an in-house brand that turns non Wi-Fi devices into Wi-Fi enabled devices. 
Key Asic will fund the research and development of both new products through private placement of up to 81.2 million new shares. It plans to raise a maximum of RM6.1 million from the entire exercise, 88.4% of which will be used for research and development of its new products, 6.7% for working capital and the rest for related private placement expenses.
Historically, Key Asic has not declared any dividends. The stock is trading at 5.3 times book. 
This article first appeared in digitaledge Daily, on September 9, 2015.
以下新闻来自 Focus Malaysia

Key ASIC Makes USB3.0 Offering for Internet of Things (IOT)

(Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)– October 14, 2015 – Key ASIC Berhad, announces its USB3.0 Device PHY and USB3.0 Device Controller that have been certified by USB-IF since July/2015 (TID: 340000140) to the market in an effort to strengthen its offering in the IOT solution.
Key ASIC will license the USB3.0 IPs to any chip design companies and will also provide a complete ASIC design service with this IP. Revenue will be generated from the licensing of IPs as well as design services and the sales of packaged chips with USB3.0.
It is reaching 3 billion units of USB enabled devices shipped each year and is expected to continue to grow with the rapid growth of IOT devices. Capturing a fraction of this market in the IOT devices would mean a future revenue boost for the company.
Its USB3.0 PHY has passed the Super Speed of 5 Gigabit per second on 0.13u process technology which is extremely challenging. A large percentage of the IOT devices are done at 0.18u and 0.13u process technologies.
USB3.0 with microUSB socket is widely used in the fast growing IOT products where the systems do not really demand for high CPU performance but ultra-low power, most of the chips are designed on 0.18u or 0.13u process technology with ultra-low power consumption.
USB with microUSB connector is now the de facto standard charging connector for many mobile and wearable devices in addition to its data transfer function. IOT products with USB such as smart watches, wearable fitness devices such as pulse meter, medical devices such as blood pressure monitors, glucose meters, etc. are fast growing.
It is reaching 3 billion units of USB enabled devices shipped each year and is expected to continue to grow with the rapid growth of IOT devices.
Ability to offer online diagnostic services through the Cloud for the IOT devices or appliance is one of the areas that are fast growing. Household appliances such as air conditioner, factory equipment or machinery and hospital equipment or devices can all be connected to the Cloud for regular online diagnostics on a regular basis. The manufacturers of the equipment can have real time status of the usage conditions of the equipment deployed in the sites.
“IOT devices need more than just USB. It needs WiFi or 3G/4G connection to the Cloud and also a APP-Cloud platform where customers can develop their applications and APP. We offer a complete solution in silicon and system with our SPG Wi-Fi platform with Wi-Fi, APP and K-Cloud, the Cloud platform for IOT applications,” said Kah Yee Eg, Chairman and CEO of Key ASIC. “This will greatly accelerate the time to market for our customers with a total IOT solution offering,” he added.
Figure 1: Some of the popular USB 3.0 devices
 Figure 2: Key ASIC Kdrive – USB WiFi Drive
About Key ASIC Key ASIC is a leader in providing a total solution in Internet of Things (IOT) ranging from chips, system, APP to Cloud delivering customers in the shortest time to market. Additionally, it is also a market leader in providing ASIC design services with its own IP blocks. Key ASIC has offices in Malaysia, Taiwan, Japan and Singapore.
More information on Key ASIC is available at: www.keyasic.com

以下文章来自 The Edge Markets

Key Asic readies for its first bite of IoT pie

KUALA LUMPUR: The emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT), in which everyday objects have network connectivity to send and receive data, is transforming the way businesses are conducted, and little-known semiconductor design company Key Asic Bhd is readying itself to grab a bite of the estimated US$1.7 trillion (RM7.24 trillion) IoT industry.
It launched two main products last month: Its SPG1-01 chip (which has already been shipped to Lenovo Group Ltd and Toshiba Corp for their respective wireless cards) and the Wi-Fi micro secure digital (micro SD) card known as K-Card for WiFi-enabled electronic devices.
The K-Card is also touted to be the world’s fastest WiFi SD card today, and is capable of running at real-time programmable multiple-clock speeds of up to 200MHz.
Perhaps in anticipation of the launches, Key Asic’s share price rallied in early September, tripling from eight sen on Sept 4 to 24 sen on Sept 10. Last Friday, the stock closed unchanged at 20 sen, but was heavily traded with some 19.44 million shares done. In comparison, its trading volume was only averaging 774,976 shares in the last 200 days.
Key Asic is looking to launch two more products, the SPG1-02 chip and the K-Drive, a portable WiFi personal backup Universal Serial Bus (USB) device that can back up personal data even without Internet connection, to round up its stable of key products that could create an entire IoT ecosystem.
It is interesting to note that sovereign wealth fund Khazanah Nasional Bhd has a 20.7% stake in Key Asic — taken up since 2012 — while the company’s largest shareholder now is Key Asic Ltd, with a total stakeholding of 40.61%.
“The microchips (SPG1-01 and SPG1-02) we produce have the ability to offer online diagnostic services through the cloud for IoT devices or appliances, one of the areas that are fast growing,” Key Asic non-executive chairman and chief executive officer Eg Kah Yee told The Edge Financial Daily in an interview recently.
“Household appliances such as air conditioners, factory equipment or machinery, and hospital equipment or devices can all be connected to the cloud for regular online diagnostics on a regular basis.
“This means the manufacturers of the equipment can have real-time status of the usage conditions of the equipment deployed,” Eg explained.
“IoT devices need more than just a USB [slot and cable]. It needs WiFi or 3G or 4G connection to the cloud, and also an app-cloud platform, where customers can develop their applications [for both desktops and mobile devices],” he added.
As for the K-Card and K-Drive, with them, “users can now directly transfer data from their cameras to other devices, such as smartphones or laptops, for uploading to their social networking accounts or web storage”, said Eg.
The group estimated that about 50 million digital cameras are shipped a year. The two products will allow the company to tap into the digital camera market.
The local retail price of the K-Card is comparable to the prevailing market rate of micro SD cards, which is about RM140 per piece.
Meanwhile, Key Asic’s SPG1-01 chips are already being shipped to Toshiba for use in its TransferJet cards, and to Lenovo for the manufacturing of its Wi-Fi SD cards. Over the past two years, Key Asic shipped about 1.2 million pieces of the chip to the two tech giants. 
“We officially launched the K-Card last week (early October), while for the SPG1-02 and K-Drive, we will start shipping [them] by [the] end of the year,” Eg said.
Key Asic is also readying its K-Cloud, a cloud platform for IoT applications, to be offered to complete its full IoT solution range.
“This will greatly accelerate the time to market to our customers a total IoT solution offering,” he added.
Besides the information and communications technology sector, Eg said the group is also trying to push for its microchips to be used in medical devices approved by the Food and Drug Administration, such as Bluetooth blood pressure monitors, electrocardiograms, glucose meters and oximeters.
“The microchips can also be used in wearable devices for fitness and healthcare, which allow doctors to keep track of their patients in real time,” he said.
Financially, Key Asic, which sells its products locally and in Taiwan, narrowed its net loss to RM8.07 million in the six months ended June 30, 2015 (2QFY15) from RM9.37 million in the same period a year ago. 
Turnover improved 30.85% to RM9.24 million from RM7.06 million a year ago — with the Taiwanese market being its biggest revenue driver — primarily due to higher demand for its engineered products from both recurring and new customers.
The company has been in the red since FY10, with accumulated losses of RM30.22 million as at June 30, primarily due to research and development of the four products. With the launches, it expects to return to the black in the next financial year.
Going forward, Eg said the company intends to manufacture microchips that are low in power consumption to address the battery life issue, which has been a constant concern of smart device users.
“As we are moving into [the] IoT, evertything will be connected to the cloud. The battery life [issue] has remained a major concern. It would be inconvenient for users to keep looking for charging ports.
“We plan to develop an ultra low-powered microchip that is designed for the IoT, with [a] battery life lasting up to maybe six months with a single charge,” Eg said.
Key Asic’s last closing price of 20 sen gives it a market value of RM163.21 million, more than three times from just over a month ago.


Saturday, February 20, 2016


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