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Singapore Investment


 [HARTALEGA HOLDINGS BHD,NGC已经开始在2018年8月调试Plant 5,随后建造Plant 6。Plant 5和6每年的装机容量为47亿件。Plant 7也在扩建计划中,将定制小订单,并更专注于特殊产品]





橡胶手套制造业的前景依然强劲,因为转变用丁腈手套的趋势导致需求增加。丁腈手套目前占马来西亚橡胶手套出口的60%。为了满足不断增长的需求,贺特佳NGC已经开始在2018年8月调试Plant 5,随后建造Plant 6。Plant 5和6每年的装机容量为47亿件。一个新的工厂 - Plant 7也在扩建计划中,将定制小订单,并更专注于特殊产品。Plant 7的年装机容量为26亿件。 NGC对集团销售收入的贡献越来越大,将有助于巩固利润并进一步为集团盈利做出贡献。

我希望将我的策略分享给读者,希望他们在阅读后能够表现出色。我正在使用基本面分析(Fundamental Analysis):

预计公司每年的增长率必须> 14%


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James Ng
[HARTALEGA HOLDINGS BHD, NGC has begun commissioning Plant 5 in August 2018 with construction of Plant 6 to follow. Plant 5 and Plant 6 will each have annual installed capacity of 4.7 billion pieces. A new plant – Plant 7 is also in the expansion pipeline, will tailor to small orders and focus more on specialty products]

The Group's performance for the quarter under review and year-to-date versus the corresponding quarter and year-to-date of the previous financial year are as follows:

(a) For the 1st quarter, the Group achieved sales revenue of RM706.3 million representing an improvement of RM105.3 million or 17.5% from corresponding quarter in preceding year in tandem with growing demands for nitrile gloves and continuous expansion in improving production capacity, with improved sales volume of 20.5%.

(b) Profit before tax also registered increase of RM30.1 million or 26.0%, driven by higher sales achieved with favourable demand and additional production capacity. Lower costs of nitrile, chemical and upkeep of plant & machinery have also contributed to the higher profit before tax.

Compared to the Results of the Preceding Quarter:
Revenue for the quarter grew to RM706.3 million from RM616.8 million, demonstrating an improvement of RM89.5 million (14.5%). This is consistent with higher demand from customers coupled with growing production capacity to meet the strong market demand for nitrile gloves, representing increase in sales volume of 6.4% during the quarter. The increase in sales revenue is also contributed by the increase in average selling price. Profit before tax for the quarter increased by RM11.2 million or 8.4% as compared with preceding quarter in line with higher sales revenue attained, lower heat cost, chemical cost, upkeep of plant & machinery and improved operational efficiency.

Prospects for the rubber glove manufacturing sector remain strong with increasing demand arising from switching trends towards nitrile glove. Nitrile glove now accounts for 60% of Malaysian rubber glove export. In meeting the rising demand, Hartalega NGC has begun commissioning Plant 5 in August 2018 with construction of Plant 6 to follow. Plant 5 and Plant 6 will each have annual installed capacity of 4.7 billion pieces. A new plant – Plant 7 is also in the expansion pipeline, will tailor to small orders and focus more on specialty products. Plant 7 will have an annual installed capacity of 2.6 billion pieces. The increasing contribution of NGC to Group sales revenues would help to consolidate margins and contribute further to Group earnings.

Hartalega has launched its antimicrobial gloves (AMG) in UK on 31st May 2018 and has commenced taking orders. Hartalega is also working on securing Federal Drug Administration (FDA) approval for US market. The antimicrobial gloves will be priced competitively to encourage better take up.
I wish to share my strategy to readers, hope that they can perform well after reading this. I am using Fundamental Analysis:

the forecasted growth of a company must > 14% per year

I wish to convince readers to learn FA in order to make money from stock market.

I am providing STOCK PICK SERVICE for readers who want to make money from Malaysian stock market. Those who want to subscribe to my mailing list to achieve a good return from stock market, you can contact me at jamesngshare@gmail.com or PM me in my FB page https://web.facebook.com/jamesshareinvest/

Final decision is always yours, thank you.

James Ng

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