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Singapore Investment


GLOTEC (5220)
Why an SABAH political link guy inside Top30? And he is Director of UKSB (VISA PROCESSING COMPANY)
1. Cash per share RM 0.12.
Core biz 
-Precision metal stamping;
-Precision machining and assembly of radio frequency microwave, photonics and MEDICAL components;
-Design and fabrication of precision tooling and automation equipment;
-Injection moulding and blow moulding;
-Design, manufacturing and assembly of automotive components. (proton perodua, honda, toyota, nissan & others)
2. Business getting stable even MCO also still not yet loss.
3. Precision Machining and Automation (“ PMA”), a sub-division within the PMST division’s new factory facility of 60,000 square feet at Penang Science Park was completed and ready in the first quarter of the current financial year and the PMA division expects to gradually increase its capacity and revenue over time. (can see from latest quarterly result).
4. Expecting to see growth in this company.
5. estimate PE 10 RM 0.26 (recent bottom), PE 15 RM 0.39, PE 20 RM 0.52. (using 0.0065 eps per quarter to estimate, if future can get EPS 0.01 will boom meletup)
6. JFTECH +0.26, JHM, NOTION, DUFU +0.21, LUSTER have all similar business, keyword precision, tooling, stamping.
7. 100% owned Subsidiary name AIC Semiconductor also parent company of GoodArk Electronics Co., Ltd. located in Suzhou, China, was established in 1990 and is publicly listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (stock code: 002079) . Good-Ark is one of the largest Diode, Rectifier & Bridge Rectifier manufacturers in the world and is the industry leader in SMA/SMB/SMC & DFN/QFN package types.
This Suzhou Good-Ark Electronics share price up 20% lately, can see they doing pretty well soon test new high. 
8. One of the top30 shareholder Harry Lee Vui Khiun seems to be related to visa processing company UKSB. Will he do something on this Glotec ?
9. Technically volume has come and if RM 0.40 breakout, not much resistant until RM 0.50 and next will be RM 0.60. Support 0.355, RM 0.32.

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