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Singapore Investment



2Q20 vs 2Q19:
截至2020年6月30日的季度(“ 2Q2020”)的税前利润(PBT)为1.161亿令吉,较截至2019年6月30日的季度(“ 2019年第二季度”)的6,330万令吉增加83.4%。2020年第二季度的总部门利润为1.359亿令吉,较2019年第二季度的8140万令吉增加67.0%。 2020年第二季度的全面收益总额为7650万令吉,较2019年第二季度的9850万令吉减少22.4%。


2020年第二季度的贸易收入增加87.4%至1.101亿令吉,这主要是由于场内交易(“ OMT”)和直接业务交易(“ DBT”)的平均每日交易值(“ ADV”)上升了74.2百分比,从2019年第二季度的22.1亿令吉增至2020年第二季度的38.5亿令吉。 2020年第二季度的交易速度较2019年第二季度的29%上升了33个百分点至62%。在2020年第二季度用户人数增加的推动下,市场数据收入在2020年第二季度增长了31.4%,达到950万令吉。





YTD20 vs YTD19:
截至2020年6月30日止(“ 1H2020”)的本年PBT为2.032亿令吉,较截至2019年6月30日止的1亿2760万令吉增长59.2%。 1H2020的总部门利润为2.408亿令吉,较2019年上半年的1.622亿令吉增加48.4%。








2Q20 vs 1Q20:
2020年第二季度的PBT为1.161亿令吉,比截至2020年3月31日的季度(“ 1Q2020”)的8710万令吉增长33.2%。 2020年第二季度的总部门利润为1.359亿令吉,比2020年第一季度的1.049亿令吉增长了29.5%。


2020年第2季度的交易收入增长41.1%至1.101亿令吉,这主要是由于2020年2季度OMT和DBT的ADV为38.5亿令吉,而1Q2020为25.8亿令吉。 2020年第二季度的交易速度比1Q2020的39%增长了23个百分点,达到62%。在2020年第二季度用户数量增加的推动下,市场数据收入从2020年第一季度的760万令吉增长24.8%至2020年第二季度的950万令吉。




随着最近的隔夜政策利率(“ OPR”)降低25个基点至1.75%,BNM提供了额外的政策刺激措施,以加快马来西亚经济复苏的步伐。 2020年第二季度的证券市场表现主要是由更高的波动性驱动的,因为市场情绪对全球和国内的经济和市场发展做出了反应。在国内,诸如贷款暂停,施加的行动控制令之类的救济措施以及国行降低OPR的决定导致市场流动性的增加,导致这时期retail的参与度增加。

在衍生品市场,与1H2019相比,1H2020的平均每日合约交易量增加了50%以上。证券市场的动荡以及原油棕榈油(“ CPO”)市场的发展,例如2020年7月1日至12月31日给予CPO出口免税,将继续影响衍生品市场的表现。联交所将继续通过其营销努力来维持交易量,并为所有参与者开发充满活力的市场。

至于伊斯兰资本市场,相比1H2019,通过大马交易所i-平台交易活动在1H2020有所增加。这与整个证券市场上较高的交易活动一致,并且预计中期内趋势将继续,散户投资者的交易活动增加,机构投资者将交易平台转换在Bursa Malaysia-i。受外国贸易增加的支持,Bursa SuqAl-Sila(“ BSAS”)在1H2020的交易额略高于2019年上半年。大马交易所预计,由于外国参与者的贡献增加,BSAS贸易活动将在2020年下半年得以维持。

为了维持和支持投资者的信心以及公平有序的市场,大马交易所一直在与马来西亚证券委员会合作,采取措施,包括修订现有的市场管理和控制机制,以及延长卖空禁令。大马交易所将继续通过引入满足投资者需求的更好的功能来通过其数字平台增强其服务。 2020年6月22日,大马交易所发布了新的附加功能,使投资者可以在线申请新的CDS帐户,并通过移动应用程序Bursa Anywhere注册电子股息。考虑到大马交易所迄今的业绩并排除任何不可预见的情况,大马交易所预计本年度的业绩将比2019年有所改善。
James Ng Stock Pick Performance:
Since Recommended Return:

a. FRONTKEN CORP BHD, recommended on 12 Aug 18, initial price was RM0.715, rose to RM3.68, dividend RM0.04, in 1 year 11 months 17 days, total return is 420.3%

b. TOP GLOVE CORP BHD, recommended on 1 July 18, initial price was RM12.14, rose to RM52.28 adjusted, dividend RM0.52, in 2 Years 28 days, total return is 334.9%

c. MI TECHNOVATION BERHAD, recommended on 2 Jun 19, initial price was RM1.67, rose to RM6.06 adjusted, dividend RM0.055, in 1 Year 1 month 27 days, total return is 266.2%

d. KKB ENGINEERING BHD, recommended on 1 Jul 18, initial price was RM0.795, rose to RM1.66, dividend RM0.04, in 2 Years 28 days, total return is 113.8%

e. OPENSYS M BHD, recommended on 24 May 20, initial price was RM0.355, rose to RM0.73, dividend RM0.0025, in 2 months 5 days , total return is 106.3%

f. POWER ROOT BHD, recommended on 7 Oct 18, initial price was RM1.59, rose to RM2.08, dividend RM0.188, in 1 Year 9 months 22 days, total return is 42.6%

g. PROLEXUS BHD, recommended on 25 Aug 19, initial price was RM0.455, rose to RM0.64, dividend RM0.003, in 11 months 4 days , total return is 41.3%

h. JAKS RESOURCES BHD, recommended on 20 Jan 19, initial price was RM0.575, rose to RM0.77 in 1 year 6 months 9 days, total return is 33.9%

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James Ng
[BURSA MALAYSIA BHD: higher trading revenue]

2Q20 vs 2Q19:
Profit Before Tax ("PBT") for the quarter ended 30 June 2020 ("2Q2020") was RM116.1 million, an increase of 83.4 per cent compared to RM63.3 million in the quarter ended 30 June 2019 ("2Q2019"). Total segment profits for 2Q2020 were RM135.9 million, an increase of 67.0 per cent compared to RM81.4 million in 2Q2019. Total comprehensive income for 2Q2020 was RM76.5 million, a decrease of 22.4 per cent compared to RM98.5 million in 2Q2019.

Securities Market:
The Securities Market recorded a segment profit of RM123.2 million in 2Q2020, an increase of 65.1 percent compared to RM74.6 million in 2Q2019 mainly due to higher trading revenue. The Securities Market's operating revenue for 2Q2020 was RM145.2 million, an increase of 54.9 percent compared to RM93.8 million in 2Q2019.

Trading revenue increased by 87.4 percent to RM110.1 million in 2Q2020 mainly due to higher Average Daily trading Value ("ADV") for On-Market Trades ("OMT") and Direct Business Trades("DBT"), which increased by 74.2 percent to RM3.85 billion in 2Q2020 compared to RM2.21 billion in 2Q2019. Trading velocity in 2Q2020 was higher by 33 percentage points to 62% compared to 29% in 2Q2019. Market data revenue increased by 31.4 percent to RM9.5 million in 2Q2020 driven by higher number of subscribers in 2Q2020.

Derivatives Market:
The Derivatives Market recorded a segment profit of RM13.9 million in 2Q2020, an increase of 64.6 percent from RM8.5 million in 2Q2019 mainly due to higher trading revenue. The Derivatives Market's operating revenue for 2Q2020 was RM24.4 million, an increase of 27.6 percent compared to RM19.1 million in 2Q2019.

Trading revenue increased by 25.7 percent to RM21.3 million in 2Q2020 mainly due to higher number of Crude Palm Oil Futures("FCPO") and FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI Futures ("FKLI") contracts traded in 2Q2020. Segment expenses decreased by 2.1 percent to RM11.0 million in 2Q2020 compared to RM11.2 million in 2Q2019.

Exchange Holding Company:
The Exchange Holding Company recorded a lower segment loss of RM3.3 million in 2Q2020 compared to RM3.9 million in 2Q2019.

The segment profit decreased by 6.4 per cent to RM2.0 million in 2Q2020 compared to RM2.1 million in 2Q2019.

YTD20 vs YTD19:
PBT for the year-to-date ended 30 June 2020 ("1H2020") was RM203.2 million, an increase of 59.2 percent from RM127.6 million in the year ended 30 June 2019 ("1H2019"). Total segment profits for 1H2020 were RM240.8 million, an increase of 48.4 percent from RM162.2 million in 1H2019.

Total comprehensive income for 1H2020 was RM127.2 million, an increase of 20.8 percent compared to RM105.4 million in 1H2019. This was mainly due to higher profit earned in 1H2020 compared to 1H2019 from the improved performance on the Securities Market and Derivatives Market.

Securities Market:
The Securities Market recorded a segment profit of RM213.9 million in 1H2020, an increase of 45.5 percent compared to RM147.0 million in 1H2019 mainly due to higher operating revenue. The Securities Market's operating revenue for 1H2020 was RM256.9 million, an increase of 38.2 percent compared to RM185.8 million in 1H2019.

Trading revenue increased by 59.7 percent to RM188.2 million in 1H2020 mainly due to higher ADV for OMT and DBT of RM3.19 billion in 1H2020 compared to RM2.31 billion in 1H2019. Trading velocity was higher by 21 percentage points to 50 percent in 1H2020 compared to 29 percent in 1H2019. Market data revenue increased by 15.1 percent to RM17.0 million in 1H2020 from RM14.8 million in 1H2019 driven by higher number of subscribers in 1H2020.

Derivatives Market:
The Derivatives Market recorded a segment profit of RM30.1 million in 1H2020, an increase of 63.9 percent compared to RM18.3 million in 1H2019 mainly due to higher trading revenue. The Derivatives Market's operating revenue for 1H2020 was RM53.3 million, an increase of 25.2 percent compared to RM42.6 million in 1H2019.

Trading revenue increased by 44.3 percent to RM48.0 million in 1H2020 mainly due to higher number of FCPO and FKLI contracts traded in 1H2020. Market data revenue increased by 27.8 percent to RM5.2 million in 1H2020 from RM4.1 million in 1H2019 driven by higher number of subscribers in 1H2020. Segment expenses decreased by 3.7 percent to RM24.3 million in 1H2020 compared to RM25.2 million in 1H2019 mainly due to lower market and development expenses incurred in 1H2020.

Exchange Holding Company:
The Exchange Holding Company recorded a lower segment loss of RM6.6 million in 1H2020 compared to RM7.7 million in 1H2019 mainly due to lower staff costs incurred in 1H2020.

The segment profit decreased by 26.0 percent to RM3.4 million in 1H2020 compared to RM4.6 million in 1H2019 mainly due to higher proportion of volume-based pricing trades in 1H2020.

2Q20 vs 1Q20:
PBT for 2Q2020 was RM116.1 million, an increase of 33.2 per cent from RM87.1 million in the quarter ended 31 March 2020 ("1Q2020"). Total segment profits for 2Q2020 were RM135.9 million, an increase of 29.5 per cent from RM104.9 million in 1Q2020.

Securities Market:
The Securities Market recorded a segment profit of RM123.2 million in 2Q2020, an increase of 35.8 percent from RM90.7 million in 1Q2020 mainly due to higher trading revenue. The Securities Market's operating revenue for 2Q2020 was RM145.2 million, an increase of 54.9 percent compared to RM111.7 million in 1Q2020.

Trading revenue increased by 41.1 percent to RM110.1 million in 2Q2020 mainly attributed to higher ADV for OMT and DBT of RM3.85 billion in 2Q2020 compared to RM2.58 billion in 1Q2020. Trading velocity in 2Q2020 was higher by 23 percentage points to 62% compared to 39% in 1Q2020. Market data revenue increased by 24.8 percent to RM9.5 million in 2Q2020 from RM7.6 million in 1Q2020 driven by higher number of subscribers in 2Q2020.

Derivatives Market:
The Derivatives Market recorded a segment profit of RM13.9 million in 2Q2020, a decrease of 14.0 percent from RM16.2 million in 1Q2020. Market data revenue increased by 49.0 percent to RM3.1 million in 2Q2020 from RM2.1 million in 1Q2020 driven by higher number of subscribers in 2Q2020. Segment expenses decreased by 17.5 percent to RM11.0 million in 2Q2020 compared to RM13.3 million in 1Q2020 mainly due to lower service fees incurred resulting from the lower number of contracts traded in 2Q2020.

Exchange Holding Company:
The Exchange Holding Company recorded a lower segment loss of RM3.2 million in 2Q2020 compared to RM3.3 million in 1Q2020.

The segment profit increased by 45.5 percent to RM2.0 million in 2Q2020 compared to RM1.3 million in 1Q2020 mainly dueto higher trading fees earned from higher BSAS trades in 2Q2020.

With the recent Overnight Policy Rate (“OPR”) cut by 25 basis points to 1.75%, BNM has provided an additional policy stimulus to accelerate the pace of Malaysia’s economic recovery. The Securities Market performance in 2Q2020 was mainly driven by the higher volatility as the market sentiment reacted to the economic and market developments globally and domestically. Domestically, the relief measures such as the loan moratorium, the Movement Control Order imposed and BNM’s decision to reduce the OPR have resulted in the increase in liquidity in the market which led to higher retail participation during the period.

In the Derivatives Market, the average daily contracts for 1H2020 saw an increase of more than 50% in trades compared to 1H2019. The volatility of the Securities Market and the developments in the crude palm oil(“CPO”) market such as the CPO export tax exemption granted from 1 July to 31 December 2020 will continue to influence the performance of derivatives market going forward. The Exchange will continue to work towards sustaining the trading volumes through its marketing efforts and developing a vibrant market for all participants.

As for the Islamic Capital Market, trading activities through Bursa Malaysia-i platform saw an increase in 1H2020 compared to 1H2019. This is inline with the higher trading activities in the overall Securities Market and the trend is expected to continue in the medium term with higher trading activities by retail investors and conversion of trading by institutional investors onto Bursa Malaysia-i. Bursa SuqAl-Sila' (“BSAS”) saw a marginal increase in trades in 1H2020 compared to 1H2019 supported by higher foreign trades. The Exchange expects to sustain BSAS trading activities in the second half of 2020 from the increased contribution from foreign participants.

To maintain and support investors confidence and a fair and orderly market, the Exchange has been working with the Securities Commission Malaysia in introducing measures including the revisions to the existing market management and control mechanisms and, extension of the short-selling suspension. The Exchange will continue to enhance its services through its digital platform by introducing better features and functionality that will meet investors demands. On 22 June 2020, the Exchange released new additional features that enable investors to apply online for new CDS accounts and register for e-dividends via the mobile application, Bursa Anywhere. Taking into consideration the Exchange’s performance to-date and barring any unforeseen circumstances, the Exchange expects to register an improved performance for the current year compared to 2019.
I wish to share my strategy to readers, hope that they can perform well after reading this. I am using Fundamental Analysis:

the forecasted growth of a company must over 14% per year

I wish to convince readers to learn FA in order to make money from stock market.

I am providing STOCK PICK SERVICE for readers who want to make money from Malaysian stock market. Those who want to subscribe to my mailing list to achieve a good return from stock market, you can contact me at jamesngshare@gmail.com or PM me in my FB page.

This sharing is purely a discussion and analysis of the sector, buying or selling at your own risk. Please Like and Share this post. Final decision is always yours, thank you.

James Ng

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