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Singapore Investment


SMRT is controlling shareholder of AEGB with 57% stakes. How much value of 57% stakes of AEGB ? Based on today closing price 24.5sen, it is worth RM173 Million. It is almost 2.3X market value of SMRT (market capital RM76 Million) !!
SMRT control AEGB 57% stakes. How many share of 57% stakes ? It is equal to 707 Million shares of AEGB. How about shares issued of SMRT ? Shares issued of SMRT is 362 Million shares. If we divide 707 Million shares of AEGB by SMRT 362 Million shares(707 Million shares / 362 Million shares), we will get 1.95 share AEGB per SMRT share. That mean buy 1 share SMRT can get 1.95 share AEGB !!
From calculation above, SMRT is worth much more than AEGB. Therefore SMRT share price should much more higher than AEGB. But now AEGB share price is higher than SMRT. This provide a golden opportunity for us to buy SMRT at unbelievable low price. I think SMRT share price will catch up AEGB soon.

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