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Singapore Investment


Forecast of AT share price in the future with its 2.6b gloves.


P/E 15

P/E 20

P/E 25

Min $120mill net profit annually




Min $70mill net profit annually




*The annual loss of $35mill from AT main business has also been factored in*
**ATS future share price between 0.30 sen - 0.75 sen**


The estimation of the first $150mil profit before tax, $70-120Mil after tax.
Contract with LKL is 2 years (1 year +1 year).
That contract amount is $200mil for a production of 2.6b gloves annually (2 years).


Despite the challenge of the big glove companies that are able to produce much more gloves. Based on the research firm's estimates, glove ASPs could rise between 10 per cent and 45 per cent quarter-on-quarter (QoQ) in Q4 of 2020 to US$50 to US$100 per 1,000 pieces.

Reference: https://www.nst.com.my/business/2020/09/624171/order-visibility-rubber...


"It's worrying that rubber output this month will not be enough to match the growing demand of foreign markets," Rubber Authority of Thailand Governor Nakorn Tangavirapat said.

Translation: There is a shortage of rubber gloves worldwide and the demand is high. Please also keep in mind the material to make rubber glove is also very very limited. Meaning, the price will increase.

Reference: https://www.theedgemarkets.com/article/asian-rubber-prices-soar-supply...


Many of you must be wondering why so many companies tries to open a rubber glove despite vaccine coming out.

In careplus 2020 annual report, it is stated that the demand for rubber glove is 330b globally compared to 2019 which is 188b. Another reason is also because malaysia has a command of at least 60% of the global market shares for rubber gloves. translation, people buy rubber gloves from malaysia.

The demand for rubber glove in malaysia has been increasing for many years despite covid or no covid.

Do look at the recent news in Russia, the situation over there is also dire. Look at the nurses. There are not enough hands. There are more demand of nurses there compared to US. US demand for nurses is at least 300%.


I can go on writing why rubber glove company will soar later on but I hope many of you can do your own research and come up with your own theory. Lets not just solely depend on KYY information.


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